Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Curious Case Of The Simple Segal


Two clues about Erich Segal's "Love Story" in The Hindu Crossword this month – and both straight clues!

Gridman, who has a flair for the cryptic definition, writes this in today's THC 9566:
"Love Story" author Erich (5) SEGAL

which isn't a cryptic definition by any yardstick.

…and Sankalak's THC 9522 (09-Jun-09) carried the next one, a straight clue again:
Erich Segal's romance (4,5) LOVE STORY

A coincidence, isn't it, that both setters chose to make this one the rare direct definition in a cryptic puzzle?

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Chaturvasi said...

Long ago it used to be called The Hindu Cryptic Crossword No.xxx
When they reached four digits, the column width wouldn't accommodate the headline and so they quietly dropped the word 'cryptic'.
So it is now The Hindu Crossword.
We can't complain if a clue is non-cryptic.
Clue-writers, having written cryptic clues for most words in a crossword, occasionally let their hair down, I think. (Suddenly it occurs to me if men who mostly have cropped hair can do this. Anyway...)

C.G. BHARGAV said...

What next? BABA SEHGAL??