Tuesday 25 August 2009

Sample A Themed Guardian Crossword

Brendan's Crossword 24787 in the Guardian Today's Guardian crossword (24787 – Brendan) is an example of a classic Guardian puzzle - creative, adventurous, with a distinctive stamp of the setter's style.

Brendan specializes in puzzles with themes; 24787 has one too. Several clues each interlink with each other. As you piece the puzzle together the commonality emerges and helps you figure out the inter-grid references.

Regular Hindu crossword solvers who don't care for the "starred clues with no definition" variety may want to try this one. If you had concluded that you don't like themed puzzles at all, this might just change your mind.

Links to the puzzle: PDF, HTML and Interactive.

I had an immensely good time with this crossword. Many thanks to Brendan.

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maddy said...


Thnx for the post. I had to do a 2 hour commute today and thnx to the X wrd, time just flew. Got all xcept 4 Dn.I figured from wordplay and crossings that the ans was a homophone of 'maudlin' but cudnt crack it as I didnot have access to dictionary/wiki/google:)
BTW, nitpicking,shouldnt 1 Dn be (3,3,12)since 'The' is very much a part of the movie title.

Shuchi said...

That's a valid nitpick. I was about to suggest writing a comment about it on fifteensquared where this puzzle is discussed and might be read by the compiler. Turns out someone has pointed it out already.