Friday 2 April 2010

Clues for Easter

Easter-Crossword-Clues A quick post to share with you some good cryptic clues that refer to Easter.

Solve, and enjoy the long weekend!

FT 13340 (Dante): Working out Easter may be a problem (6)

Times 24285: Sets aside broken Easter eggs (10)

Azed 1863: Eater welcomes this caviar in post-Lenten communication? (7)

Guardian 24523 (Araucaria): Oriental feast attended by new queen (9)

Times Jumbo 763: Looking ridiculous after carelessly consuming chocolate at Easter? (4,3,2,4,4)

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Patrick said...

FT 13340 (Dante): Working out Easter may be a problem (6) TEASER Anagram of EASTER

Guardian 24523 (Araucaria): Oriental feast attended by new queen (9) EASTER + N + ER

Shuchi said...

Welcome here, Patrick. Both answers are correct.

Hobbes said...

Sets aside broken Easter eggs (10) : Segregates ?

Shuchi said...

@Hobbes: Right, an anagram.

Hints for the remaining two:

Azed 1863: Eater welcomes this caviar in post-Lenten communication? (7)

The definition is "this caviar". One of those rare clues in which the definition is not at the start/end.

Jumbo 763: Looking ridiculous after carelessly consuming chocolate at Easter? (4,3,2,4,4)

A d&cd clue. Think of chocolate in the context of Easter.

Anonymous said...

763: With egg on ones face

Shuchi said...

Good answer!

anokha said...

Azed 1863: Eater welcomes this caviar in post-Lenten communication? (7) STERLET (Eater + Sterlet -> Easter Letter)

Owe you a couple of replies!!!

Shuchi said...

Applause, Anokha, that was a difficult clue. And welcome back from hibernation!!

Hope to see you get back to blogging soon.