Saturday 16 October 2010

And The Contest Winner Is...

The answers to the questions first – most of you got them right, congrats.

  1. What was Afrit's real name?
    Answer: Alistair Ferguson Ritchie
  2. Solve this clue by Afrit:
    Pretty long weapon, but for a knight it should be a lot longer (5) L___E
    Answer: LANCE. With LOT added, it becomes LANCELOT, knight of Round Table fame.

The entries for #2 led to a situation that I had not foreseen. Some of you posted the answer right but the annotation wrong. Technically an answer with correct annotation is better than without, but since the question had not been specific about this, the entry was considered as long as the answer was LANCE.

Likewise, variations on Afrit's real name – Alistair Ferguson, Alistair Ferguson Ritchie or A F Ritchie - were all fine.

At the end of the sifting and counting, 55 entries went into the pool including double entries for verifiable retweets. The draw was done with

Watch the draw live in this video (email readers – please visit the blog for this):

We now have the name of the lucky one to bag the prize, the rare cult book Afrit's Armchair Crosswords.

Please join me in congratulating our winner - *drumroll* Balaji! The winning entry:


Balaji: Please write to me at shuchi [at] crosswordunclued [dot] com with your mailing address. The book will be on its way soon. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Thanks again to The Crossword Centre and Rendezvous Press for sponsoring the contest, and to everyone of you who participated and spread the word about it.

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Vinod Raman said...

Congrats Balaji!

C.G. BHARGAV said...

Transparent deal...thy name is ....

And I suppose it is the techie Balaji oftentimes lauded as an ace solver.

Congrats, Balaji.

Amrith said...

Aiyo! Che!
I did not win :)
Oh well!
Congrats Balaji!


Krishnan said...

Congrats Balaji.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Balaji !

Balaji said...

Thanks everyone and Shuchi, special thanks to you for hosting this contest. I am truly lucky to have this book. This would be my first crossword book and I am very excited about it.


PS:Shuchi, I will send you my address. Thanks again.

Balaji said...

I have the received the book in the mail and thanks again to Shuchi, The Crossword Centre and Rendezvous Press.

Looking forward to the solving :)

Shuchi said...

Congrats again, Balaji. Enjoy the book!