Thursday 5 February 2015

Holi ki Paheli: Hindi Clue-Writers Invited

Holi ki Paheli: Hindi Clue-Writers Invited Kishore and I have got our third Hindi crossword grid filled and ready to be clued. Hindi crosswords 1 and 2 have been special prize puzzles on the blog. With crossword 3, we thought we'll do something different.

When we started off setting in Hindi, it was unchartered territory - we did not know whether our customized cryptic crossword rules to fit Hindi would work, or if there was even an audience for Hindi cryptics. Your enthusiastic response to the previous crosswords has allayed all our doubts - it's been thrilling to set puzzles in a different mould and see them solved.

This time, we want to share the Hindi crossword setting experience with you all.

I invite you to participate in clue-writing for Holi ki Paheli, a Hindi cryptic special for the festival of Holi (inspired by the TfTT 2014 Xmas Turkey, in which I contributed a clue :-)).

This is the idea:

An 11x11 grid containing 43 Hindi words has been prepared. We will share two words each from the grid with the participants, for which Hindi cryptic clues are to be written.

After all your clues are with us, Kishore and I will put them together into the finished crossword.

Holi ki Paheli with everyone's clues will be published on the blog on 2nd March 2015. This will be an open puzzle for group-solving, to which you can post answers as blog comments (2 answers per solver; contributors can answer others' clues).

If Hindi cryptic clueing is new to you, check out the Hindi crossword solutions 1 and solutions 2 for reference on how it is done.

Email me at shuchi [at] crosswordunclued [dot] com, by 10th Feb 2015, if you are interested in contributing two clues for the Holi special puzzle.

After the deadline, Kishore or I will send you the words to clue. You will have a full week after that, to think of clues for your words.

Write to me to volunteer, quick!

Update (2nd March 2015): The puzzle is all set! Available here: Holi ki Paheli.

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Kishore said...

Nice colourful graphic. Us southpaws demand representation ! ;-)

Shuchi said...

@Kishore: Sorry for the omission ;-)

At least I did not use green in the graphic.

Kishore said...

Green?! Peace be upon you!

Vasant said...

Very good concept. Community setting & community solving!