Thursday 23 June 2011

Invisible Interjections

exclamation-markAs you've seen in the last post, the word "my" can be used cryptically as the interjection of surprise ("my!") in crossword clues.

This set of clues uses other words in a similar way - straight meaning on the clue's surface but to derive the answer, you need to visualise the word/phrase as an exclamation.

Enjoy solving. Answers will be updated tomorrow evening.

1. Guardian 24936 (Brummie): It stops well before king (4)

2. FT 13554 (Cincinnus): Was Dickens going west? (5)

3. Times 24696: Civic dignitary spreads goodness right across county (4,5)

4. Guardian 25158 (Brummie): I say large is fine by me (4)

5. Times 24317: Desire which imparts goodness (5,4)

6. Guardian 24492 (Brummie): Bitter, drunk sour, binds one, I say (9)

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Bhavan said...

Good successive posts Shuchi. Very interesting. Although I solved most of these when the puzzles appeared, they are no less enjoyable now.

1. Guardian 24936 (Brummie): It stops well before king (4) COR K
2. FT 13554 (Cincinnus): Was Dickens going west? (5) LIVED<-
3. Times 24696: Civic dignitary spreads goodness right across county (4,5)LORD, (MAYO)R
4. Guardian 25158 (Brummie): I say large is fine by me (4) COO L
5. Times 24317: Desire which imparts goodness (5,4) FANCY, THAT
6. Guardian 24492 (Brummie): Bitter, drunk sour, binds one, I say (9) R[AN(COR)]OUS*

Anonymous said...


Venkatesh said...

Seemingly simple but extremely tough till one gets the trend. As CV says, these would be easy for native English speakers.

1) (COR)(K)
2) LIVED <- Defn: was. Going West Reversal Indicator
3) (LORD) (MAYO)(R)
4) (COO)(L)
6) {R(ANCOUR)OUS*) SOUR* about ~anchor ANCOUR

Shuchi said...

Thanks Bhavan, and congrats to you all for getting them right without any crossing letters.

To clarify the annotation for clue#6:

Guardian 24492 (Brummie): Bitter, drunk sour, binds one, I say (9) RANCOROUS
(SOUR)* around AN (one) + COR (I say!)