Monday 20 June 2011


09Sample this clue from the Times crossword of yesterday:

Times 24878: A gracious lady (3)

The answer is AMY. Do you see how?

In cryptic clues, "my" may not be the possessive case of "I". In the clue above, it is the interjection of surprise/dismay, matching with "gracious!".

Most commonly, setters use "my" as a pronoun on the clue's surface, to be treated as an interjection in the cryptic reading.


FT 13332 (Sleuth): A diner excitedly after my source of flavour? (9) CORIANDER
(A DINER)* after COR (my!)

Times 24468: Bit of maize revealed by my new horse (7) CORNCOB
COR (my!) N COB (horse)

A few more clues that use "my" as interjection. Try solving:

Guardian 25110 (Arachne): School show doesn't start well! (7)
Times 23824: My capricious daughter, husbandless and wrinkled (10) ___R______ 
Guardian 24602: Unlikely story, ancient spa harbouring new well! (5,4) U____ ____
Guardian 25116 (Orlando): My turn with pair of shoes! (4) G___

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Bhavan said...

Guardian 25110 (Arachne): School show doesn't start well! (7) (f-)ACADE MY

Times 23824: My capricious daughter, husbandless and wrinkled (10) COR RUGATED*(-h)

Guardian 24602: Unlikely story, ancient spa harbouring new well! (5,4) UR BA(N, MY)TH

Guardian 25116 (Orlando): My turn with pair of shoes! (4) GO SH

SandhyaP said...

School show doesn't start well! (7) {(-f)ACADE}{MY}

My capricious daughter, husbandless and wrinkled (10) {COR}{RUGATED*(-r)}

Unlikely story, ancient spa harbouring new well! (5,4) {UR}{BA{N} {MY}TH}

My turn with pair of shoes! (4){GO}{SH(-oes)}

Richard said...

Goodness gracious! What a clue!

Shuchi said...

Well done, Bhavan and SandhyaP. URBAN MYTH was pretty tricky, I'm impressed you got it.

@Richard: Now why did that remind of the villain from Karan Arjun whose pet phrase :P.